Here are a list of resources around the web that I find worth of keeping track of. Some are legitimately useful, and others are just fun or silly or interesting.
Table of Contents
Posts I Liked
A collection of specific blog posts from around the web that I liked. May or may not include justifications.
- Surfing the (Human-Made) Internet by Mike Grindle
- How To Write Unmaintainable Code - A guide on how to write real code.
- Everybody’s Free (To Write Websites) - A succinct essay on the virtue of writing websites.
- The Grug Brained Developer - Grug write manifesto telling other grugs good ways to stay sane in work place
- Use RSS to subscribe to a YouTube channel - A guide instructing how to use YouTube’s native RSS feed to follow channels.
- IndieWebCamp - THE home page for the IndieWeb movement.
- IndieWebify.Me - A guide to setting up your site for success on the IndieWeb.
- Into to XFN - A guide on using the XHTML Friends Network. I use this to put those icons in front of my links!
Cyber Security
- RedirectChecker - A tool to check if and where a link redirects to. Not a 100% thorough check, but can be a good first-level check.
- Random User Agent - Provides a list of 10 random user-agents.
- User Agent Parser - Parses user agents to tell you what it can about where a request may have come from.
- DNSLog - An IP tracker that gives you a temporary subdomain to link requests to. Useful for network debugging.
- Emkei’s Mailer - A tool used for sending emails to and from any address. Current testing seems to indicate it’s no longer working, but keeping it here for prosperity’s sake.
Programming & OS Management
- Debuggex - A sort of debugger for regular expressions.
- ShellCheck - A really hand online tool and command-line utility to syntax check shell and bash scripts.
- Try It Online - Run code nearly any language online with links to share your code. Popular for Code Golfing.
- Esolang Wiki - A wiki of esoteric programming languages. I’m particularly fond of starfish!
- Tmux Cheat Sheet - A descriptive cheat-sheet of tmux commands.
- TSConfig Cheat Sheet - A cheat-sheet for setting up your tsconfig file.
- How To Mathematically Round a Number - If you’re ever working in a language that doesn’t/can’t access a round function, this is how you can do it with pure arithmetic.
- LibreTranslate - A FOSS text translation service
- Epoch to Time Zone Converter - Convert epoch timestamps into a readable datetime format.
- Parsing HTML With Regular Expressions - A helpful guide on how to parse HTML using regular expressions
- The Forest - A site to help yourself get lost in the wilds of the world wide web.
- TIC-80 - A complete fictitious computer with its own programming language. Very active community making retro styled games and demos.
- Ye Olde Blogroll - A large, curated list of personal blogs.
- No Hello (English) - Got somebody who frequently opens messages with “Hello”, and won’t continue the conversation until you reply? Just send them here!
- You Wouldn’t Edit A Meme - Editor to create your own variation of the classic “You wouldn’t download a car” meme.
- The 88x31 GIF Collection - A collection of hundreds of 88x31 pixel badges. Many of the ones in my footer are from here.