Get to Know My Blog
I’m a child of the mid-2000’s internet, and as such, I spent a lot of my time on MySpace filling out surveys, or memes, or meta posts, or what ever you want to call them. When I saw this post from Kev Quirk in my RSS feed, I opened it so quick. And after reading it, I knew I had to fill it out too!
Get to know my blog
Why did you start blogging in the first place?
I started blogging because I’m too much of a thinker for my own good. I’ll sit there for hours just ruminating on this or that. I learned in high school that writing can be a good way to get those ideas out of my head, but I also knew that some times I did want other people to see what I was thinking about. There’s also the matter that I want a career in the tech sector, and I know it’s good business to have a blog where you write about technical things. Now, do I really write all that many technical posts? Maybe not, but I do write about what’s important to me.
What platform are you using to manage your blog and why did you choose it?
I use Hugo to manage my blog. I like Hugo because of its static nature. While I’m not counting kilobytes, I do want to require as little resources as possible for both hosting as well as for reading my site.
Have you blogged on other platforms before?
Not particularly. I used Wordpress at my last job, but that was less of a writing role, and more of an administering role. I’ve also tried to write my own CMS’s from scratch in the past, and use them as a blog, but they never really went anywhere.
How do you write your posts? For example, in a local editing tool, or in a panel/dashboard that’s part of your blog?
I write all my posts in Markdown in VS Code. On the rare occasion, I might use vim instead. Thanks to the way Hugo works, I do have some customizations in place for the Markdown transpiler.
When do you feel most inspired to write?
Unfortunately for me, I feel most inspired while driving. I’ll “write” whole blog posts in my head while going down the road. Some times, I’ll even re-write these posts multiple times all in my head across different drives. Often times, though, I’ll lose the drive (ha) to write by the time I make it to my computer.
Do you publish immediately after writing, or do you let it simmer a bit as a draft?
I usually hold it as a draft for an evening or so, and then I’ll publish it. Before I syndicate it around, though, I’ll send it to a close friend or two to have them proof read it for me. Once I get the okay from them, I’ll then start telling other people about it.
What’s your favourite post on your blog?
I’d say that my post about deobfuscating a malware stager was my best researched, and best demonstration of my technical skills. My favourite “me” post, though, is just my whole category of People posts. The people here left an impact on my life, and most them probably don’t even remember the encounter. I think there’s something amazing about that.
Any future plans for your blog? Maybe a redesign, a move to another platform, or adding a new feature?
I’m currently torn on whether or not I want to split this blog into subdomains. I have a lot of writing to do about philosophy, tech stuff, my art, and just my day-to-day life, but I feel like the site is already crowded from a category perspective. At the very least, I do want to start making the tags on my posts searchable to some degree.
Tag, you’re it
In the spirit of meta posts, I’ll tag a couple people below. If they follow suit, I’ll add a link to their post here.